McCandless Well Drilling Inc

Have a well-service-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • What is the average cost of drilling a water well in Chautauqua County?

    While the cost to drill and hook up a new well varies greatly, we've seen that the average cost of a new well and pump system is generally between $7,500 and $12,000 in Chautauqua County. These are some variables to consider.

    • Driving distance from our location in Busti, NY 
    • Physical location of the well (ex: Is the site accessible for heavy equipment? Is there room for a support truck?) 
    • Local geology (type of material being drilled through)
    • Distance from the well to the location of the pump system
    • Type of pump system

    Contact McCandless Well Drilling Inc today to learn more about our water well drilling services. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • How deep do water wells typically need to be near Jamestown, NY?

    Our average well depth for Chautauqua County, NY and Warren County, PA in 2022 was 115 feet deep. Depths range drastically depending on the local geology. Reach out to learn more from experts in water well service.

  • What permits or regulations are required for drilling a water well in Chautauqua County, NY?

    Water wells in New York State are regulated by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. The regulation program is called the "Water Well Contractor Program." It requires any business conducting water well drilling to register annually with the DEC before doing business in New York State. 

    All well-drilling activities must be supervised by a person who has passed the appropriate exams. This includes well drilling, well servicing, and pump installations. To drill a well, a preliminary notice must be filed to obtain a New York State DEC well number. Then, after the well has been drilled, a well completion report must be filed with the state. Call us today to get started.

  • How can I find a reputable water well drilling company in Jamestown, NY and Warren, PA?

    When searching for a reputable water well drilling company, there are a few things to look for.

    • Reviews: Read some reviews of the contractors to get an idea of their services.
    • Responsiveness: Gauge their responsiveness when you get a quote. Were they able to meet right away and get a quote out quickly? Did they call you right back if they missed your call?
    • Value: Work with a company that provides value! Find a drilling contractor that has new and efficient equipment that will get the job done in a reasonable amount of time. Look for a water well drilling contractor that's trying to offer you the best solution that will last you decades, not the short-term solution that will have you calling them back in two years.
    • Great Employees: Additionally, look for a company that has awesome employees who love their job. Remember, these people are installing your well and system to provide clean drinking water to you and your family.
    • Longevity: Lastly, find a good company that will be around in the future that will continue to serve you. Handyman Joe who installs the occasional water pump won’t be able to fix your well pump that he installed a few years ago in the dead of winter!

    We have all these qualities and more! Reach out today to get started.

  • What are the signs that my water well in Jamestown, NY or Warren, PA might need maintenance or repairs?

    According to Water Defense, a water purity research source, water wells can last up to around 30 years. However, they may need maintenance or repairs along the way. Wondering whether you need water well service? Here are some common signs to watch out for.

    • Low water pressure
    • Discolored water
    • Discoloration when it rains
    • A sudden change in odor or taste
    • A higher-than-normal electric bill

    If you've noticed any of these signs, make sure to call us as soon as you can.

  • Are there any local incentives or grants available for installing a water well in Jamestown, NY?

    Yes! There certainly are. Here are some great local resources to consider for incentives or grants.

    • CHRIC: Also known as Chautauqua Home Rehabilitation & Improvement Corp, CHRIC gives income-eligible homeowners financial help to make their homes safer, healthier, and more affordable with important repairs.
    • Waterwelltrust.org: The Water Systems Council formed this non-profit organization to provide a clean water supply to Americans who lack access to a safe reliable water source for their homes.
    • Chautauqua County Department of Social Services: This organization is dedicated to providing Chautauqua County residents with the support they need.

    If you'd like to learn more about water well service, give us a call today. We'd be happy to speak with you.

  • What are the common water quality issues in Jamestown, NY, and how can they be addressed?

    Jamestown, NY has several water issues. You can find the top ones below.

    • Iron
    • Hardness
    • Sulfur
    • Bacterial issues

    These can all be addressed by having your water tested by a professional, and then getting a system installed specifically for those water quality issues. Contact us today to get help from one of the finest water well treatment companies around.

  • What are the differences between drilled wells and dug wells, and which is more suitable for our area?

    A drilled well is a well that is installed using a drilling rig. It can be a cable tool, rotary, or dual rotary rig that installs these types of wells. We've seen that typical residential well sizes are 6 inches, 8 inches, and 10 inches. A properly constructed drilled well offers the best protection from contamination. 

    Dug wells are more susceptible to contamination from bacteria, pathogens, spills, and the effects of drought. These are usually constructed by excavating a large diameter hole into a shallow source of water and shoring the walls with concrete rings. Older dug wells previously have been constructed with bricks, stone, or concrete blocks. To learn more about water well drilling, reach out today.

  • Are there any local resources or organizations in Chautauqua County, NY that provide support or information about water wells?

    Yes, our local health department has a website that has some good information at https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/regulations/fact_sheets/fs5_susceptible_water_sources.htm. Additionally, https://wellowner.org/ is a great resource for well owners. This site is sponsored by the National Ground Water Association. To work with experts in well pump repair and more, call us today.

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